Treated with Unique Performance's ProtectsU frequency technology. Gold-black design with lion image with a crown representting the King of Kings, the Lion of Judah. A little over one inch in diameter. Adhere on the card it comes with and keep it in your person or pocket or stick it on cellphones, laptops, wifi routers, computers, TVs, appliances, bed frames for better sleep and other strategic positions that will help you power yourself up at the molecular level to fight radiation and electro-magnetic pollution.
Treated with efficacy for up to 2 years.
Free delivery within the USA by regular mail. Customer covers shipping cost if by special delivery. We are currently not accepting orders and payments on our website for destinations outside of the United States online, but you may email us your request to order at specifying the designs, volume per design, and your complete contact and delivery information so we can give you the details of any shipping or mailing cost to your country, and coordinate easy payment instructions with you.
ProtectsU Shield has a 6-month replacement warranty if the ProtectsU Shield design is erased. Customer has to send back the damaged shield to us and covers any shipping or delivery cost. Note that even if the design is erased or damaged, the efficacy of the ProtectsU Shield is not compromised. Email for such requests.
Lion of Judah King ProtectsU Bible Series
Free delivery within the USA by regular mail. Customer covers shipping cost if by special delivery. We are currently not accepting orders and payments on our website for destinations outside of the United States online, but you may email us your request to order at specifying the designs, volume per design, and your complete contact and delivery information so we can give you the details of any shipping or mailing cost to your country, and coordinate easy payment instructions with you.
ProtectsU Shield has a 6-month replacement warranty if the ProtectsU Shield design is erased. Customer has to send back the damaged shield to us and covers any shipping or delivery cost. Note that even if the design is erased or damaged, the efficacy of the ProtectsU Shield is not compromised. Email for such requests.